Saturday, December 27, 2008

Bernadette Clohesy - Matt Clohesy

The Clohesy boys are just entering look a likes of their own parents this year. Sooo that's how it is in the family.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Dave Grohl - Steve Pitcher

Another Grohl look a like from Steve. Although this one can't be upgraded to a Richie Porter.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Michelle Sharples - Jeff Morel

This is a celebrity of the cult kind. Miss Sharples was a music teacher at St Leo's and was the only woman we knew who had a comb over.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Shaun Smith - Twinkles

Looks like twinkles is really enjoying being ridden by Shaun.

Gerald Hodder - Nick Hodder

Ger look a like. During his Mil Hanna idol days.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Steve Guttenberg - Steve P

Steve stalking at the stage door again, this time meeting one of his heroes. Minus points for gum showing in his mouth, but gaining them back after blocking the girl in the background.

Rafael Benitez - Steve P

He is the Liverpool manager for those not in the know.

Bernie Clohesy - Shaun C

Although Shaun is not in this photo.

Richie Porter - Steve P

a whole bunch of Ant in this guy as well.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


It is Time to Vote.

Leaving a comment (your name) under the post is considered a vote. You can not vote for your own entry.

Because there are so many look-a-likes and not many celebrities.

You can vote 3 times for look-a-likes.
1 x celebrity.

Ill go tally the votes. Once the votes are in the decision is Final.

The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council immediately.